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Huba Holloköi

2 years...

Well, nobody can say, I post too often…

Two years have passed, which I have been working as assistant conductor of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, two years and countless projects, which many of them I have been planning to write about; simply, I just could not find the time, since the next project was already well on its way. Most of the concerts of the Radio Philharmonic are unique and special. The season is designed to introduce new pieces, or pieces of famous composers, which are rarely played. The so called “standard repertoire” is the rarity in this case! The resources of this enormous orchestra are used usually to the maximum, including the collaboration with the Groot Omroepkoor, and this sort of combination gives a lot of work to an assistant conductor. Besides the world and Dutch premiers of symphonic pieces and concertos, we performed many concert versions operas, like Madama Butterfly, Wozzeck, Semyon Kotko by Prokofjev, Widmann’s Babylon, and oratorios, like Mysterium from Scriabin, and as assistant conductor, I had to work already from the planning stage of these projects, then the actual rehearsals and performances, including making the schedules, stage plans, entrances and exits of singers, assisting the soloists and orchestral rehearsals, preparing and conducting bandas, timing the offstage effects (like cannons and hand grenades in Semyon Kotko), not to mention the personal discussion with the Maestros on their vision about the piece or certain places. The people, the pieces, and of course, the places (Concertgebouw, Utrecht Tivoli, TV studios, the canals of Amsterdam on the Kings Day concert) were all very inspiring. I needed a full, six weeks summer holiday to “recover”, and to start my new season, 2017-18, with new challenges – and hopefully, with more recent blog reports 😉

After the Dutch premier of Babylon with Markus Stenz

After the Dutch premier of Babylon with Markus Stenz

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